2021-22 Upper Deck Extended Hockey Hobby Box

2021-22 Upper Deck Extended Hockey Hobby Box

  • $99.00
    Unit price per 
  • Save $26


Each 2021-22 Upper Deck Extended Hockey Hobby Box contains 24 packs with 8 cards in each pack!

Complete your 2021-22 Upper Deck Base Set – the most cherished and widely-collected annual set in hockey!

Extended Series delivers 200 new veteran cards and 50 additional Young Guns, providing collectors the opportunity to create an impressive collection for the 2021-22 NHL Season.

Collect the Exclusives (#’d to 100), High Gloss (#’d to 10) and French parallels, as well as a Hobby Exclusive Clear Cut PETG parallel.

Box Break (on Average)

  • 6 Young Guns Cards
  • 4 2006-07 Upper Deck Retro Cards
  • 4 UD Canvas Cards
  • 2 HoloGrFx Cards
  • 2 2005-06 Black Diamond Retro Cards
  • 1 1999-2000 SPx Retro Card
  • 1 Dazzlers – Blue, Base Set – Clear Cut Parallel (incl. Young Guns), or Other Hit
  • 1 Base Set – French Parallel Card
  • 1 SPx Finite Card
  • Plus 2 Select Rare Cards


Base Set:

Finish your 2021-22 Upper Deck Base Set collection with the exciting new cards in the Extended Series! With the addition of 50 Young Guns, in this year’s series there will be plenty of budding stars to chase!

2006-07 Upper Deck Young Guns Retro:

The 2006-07 Upper Deck Retro set pays homage to the classic ‘06-’07 base design and includes Young Guns!

UD Canvas:

UD Canvas is coming to Extended Series this year! UD Canvas cards will feature established stars, Young Guns, and team Mascots.

2005-06 Black Diamond Rookie Retros:

The 2005-06 Black Diamond Rookie Retros & 2005-06 Black Diamond Retros show off the top rookies and stars in the league on a classic Black Diamond design!

Record Collections:

NEW! Coming to UD Extended Series this year is the Record Collections set featuring a mix of active and retired stars!

NHL Specialists:

NEW! NHL Specialists pays homage to the top NHL superstars from the past and present! These rare ratio’d cards will provide a great chase for the biggest fans and collectors!


The HoloGrFx set returns to Extended Series! The regular set showcases the top rookies in the league and features a Gold parallel. HoloGrFx NHL features a collection of the best active stars.

Trilogy Rookie:

The Trilogy Rookie set showcases top first-year performers! Each of the rookies have serially-#’d Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 versions to chase.

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